Sunday, September 07, 2008

In an Instant Everything Changed

Guelph Mercury: Anatomy of a car crash

That moment before impact -- the split second when Mary Wybrow lost control -- remains vivid in her memory, even two years later.

"I just remember thinking, 'Oh my God,' and then, 'Bang!' " the 59-year-old retired teacher says, smacking her hands together to emphasize the force.

"Something hit us. Or I hit something."

The collision left Wybrow in hospital for weeks. It destroyed a car and a transport truck, closed Highway 401, sprung a small army of emergency services into action and required a costly cleanup.

For the people in the cars and trucks that crawled by the wreckage west of Cedar Creek Road on Aug. 17, 2006, it was likely just another crash. It wasn't fatal and it got only a small mention in the newspaper.

For the four people involved in the crash -- three in Wybrow's car, one behind the wheel of the truck -- the impact reverberated long after the mangled pieces of Wybrow's Taurus were swept away. There were emergency rooms, traction, surgery, bills to be paid, meals to be made, lost sleep, nightmares. For Wybrow's son, Kemal Koyu, there was a lingering feeling of soaring.

Most truck drivers will be involved in a serious accident eventually. Even if you are not at fault you feel absolutely terrible.

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